The Jewish People
The most surreal aspect of our modern age is that something happens
around the world and then we can immediately see it on our phones . It
makes wo...
Kovetz Hilchos Xmas – A Parody for the Rest of Us
Humor has always been a staple for Jewish survival. Through our millenia of
tragedies and overall reasons to be sad, humor has been a way to raise the
Today was one of those days. Two of the kids stayed in PJs all day, didn't
bother to change them into new ones before bed. We didn't even leave the
house. ...
Millenial Kosher - Truly a Cookbook for the Times
Today's connected foodie Millenials surely have heard of culinary blogger
Chanie Apfelbaum, if not by her real name, certainly by her social media
handle -...
Januari 2018 Sewa Mobil Pekanbaru Sepi
Setelah liburan akhir tahun 2017,konsumen yan menyewa mobil cukup banyak di
Kota Pekanbaru. Namun tidak sebaliknya pada bulan Januari 2018, pemesana
All Good Things….
I started this blog a long time ago, lifetimes ago in internet years –
2008. A lot has changed in that time, me, you, the world. I’ve let this
blog linger ...
Thank you for your support!
Thank you very much for supporting our work at The Muqata. We appreciate
your contribution and hope to be able to keep bringing you the most up to
date ...
Mom, Dad, I love my name. I think it's beautiful, and it encompasses my
personality. But sometimes I wish you'd named me Sara.
I've never had an issue wit...
Charge me all you want! Treat me like a king!
If you are serving me you can charge all you want. I might consider it. I
am after all getting something made specifically for me. I feel special.
Whether ...
I know, I know, Halloween is a touchy subject for some of us, but a list of
scary books is appropriate all year round, no? I can't be the only frum Jew
Our faces reflect who we are and what we’ve experienced. Someone who has
never had to struggle for something meaningful will reflect that in an open
The Mrs. Klein Syndrome
When DH and I came to look at a house which we were thinking of buying, a
neighbor who shared potentially 'our' driveway came over and greeted us.
She was ...
Where I Have Been
Ok, so I disappeared from blogging for a year. In this year, two major
things have happened: 1. I had a baby boy. He is so cute! Insert all
new-ish mom mus...
The following article is about 2 Chassidish Borough Park guys. They owned
an auto collision shop and were purposely ruining the cars even more, by
I will no longer update this blog. This leg of my journey is finished. I
will still keep it "up" for others to reference. Thank you for everyone who
first world problems
I really, really love how I make money. I've got a job that lets me earn a
wage in the middle of the night, in my pajamas, in my own home that does
not req...
Rating The Midwood Bakeries Again
I came back to write this post since I assumed you all loved reading my
adventures from bakery to bakery enjoy the post.
Yes once again I'm rating the bake...
Tzadik Bah L'Ir
Our community has the great zechus this shabbos to hear from the Gadol
Hador, Rav Aaron Lichtenstein shlita who is going to be at Rinat. Rav Aaron
is goin...
Parshas Netzavim–Vayeilech
*Something to say*
*Gather together the people – the men, the women, and the small children
In this parshah we learn about the commandment of ...
The New Home of The Jew and The Carrot
On September 1, Hazon and the Forward are launching an exciting new
partnership on The Jew & The Carrot. During this launch please note:
Archives – we are ...
It's Time For Me To Fly Away
Oh boy, this is much harder than I thought it would be.
I haven't posted here in a long time and that is because I have been trying
to figure out how to s...
Vacating the Premises
Well, I apologize for the sudden announcement here, but I decided to
discontinue new posts on this blog. It just did not materialize into what I
thought it...
Mommas Shopping in Rockland Kosher
Rockland Kosher is in what my kids call the Kosher Mall- an indoor mall.
But not one with arcades and bars and shops you run past when you go with
your tee...
My Husband and I Talk About Music
Husband: What is this? It sounds like a cat being disemboweled and
strangled with its own intestines!
(Query: How does he know this? Surely even the most so...
My Life According to Green Day
I know that I haven't posted in a while, but I saw this on Material Maidel
and I couldn't resist:
Using only song names from ONE ARTIST, cleverly answer th...
Happy Blogversary, Happy Birthday to ME!
This is another backdated post, really its January 19, 2009, my birthday! I
had passed my blogversary on January 15. I reached my 10,000th hit on
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